Today I came back to observe and photograph the owls and I think something has happened from the last observations: in practice, the three little ones we only saw two (I was with my friend Fabrizio). I honestly do not know the reason but could have been prey by other birds of prey. I am writing this because today adults have been alarmed when they see the buzz over their area, so that once they have just run away, while the other times only adults are left. If it really happened this unfortunately nothing can be done, it is the law of nature that serves to keep the entire ecosystem in balance.
The owls are always beautiful to watch and observe their behavior. The couple the I'm following is very active in these days because probably they're feeding their chicks, even if I didn't see anything, but I hope to see them very soon. Last year I photographed the youngs owl in july when they were quite big to eat alone a rat, so now it's early yet. This time I saw the male brought some locusts for the female and for the chicks, in fact the female has given the insect to their son under the stone. In Sardinia owl, in general, make their nest under a group of big stones, group created from man in order to sort out a field or for the crops, so it's easy for the little owls found a house, and for us photographers know where to find it.
Here there are only two photo that I've taken today, and I hope you like it.
Fortunately the owls in Sardinia are not lacking, but it's at least a year since I could not make some photos of this beautiful night rafting. The opportunity is born after some months of sporadic observation from a distance with a binoculars, where I often saw the adult owl perched on a brach, or on a stone or a rusty metal bartender. So I decide with my friends Fabrizio to make a photographic blind. Needless to say but this morning the alarm was really challenging ... the clock sounds at 2.45 and I met at 4.15 with Fabrizio and then go to the place. With owls we usually use fixed photographic blind, if the landowner allows it, but in this case we did not need it, and we used mobile blind, which are very useful also for other animals. Arriving at 4.30 we prepare for the speed of light because we do not know if the owls are in the vicinity and, fortunately, they are not. We begin to wait for some owls to come, enjoying the sound of awakening Nature in the meantime: crows, Eurasian Thick-knee, owls and some axioms in the distance. After about 20 minutes one arrives (a male, but we understand this after the other adult is slightly larger, as is customary for the females) with a cricket in his mouth:
The light is really poor, in fact the ISOs are well over 3200 for only 0.6 seconds to shoot ... A real bet, but I could not miss the owl with his prey. From this moment the owl starts to jump on the stones or fly on the various perches (there are different ones, like the stone of the photo blatantly smeared with his stools) for the joy of ours eyes and the camera that must go "burst" for Immortalize the arrival on a shelf:
Where Luckily the Sun peaks through the clouds and begins to illuminate the area, allowing me this so hoped shot. The time passes and the owls alternate, before the male (much more present) and then the female seem to turn in turn, then we understand the reason: an owl young man shyly shakes the stones and controls it around. You see it is small, plumage is darker and wooly, not to mention that it is not yet ready to fly (it stretches and blows the wings often to prepare itself):
But the most beautiful thing was to understand that the Young owl was not alone, but they were in three, hiddens from the bush in the foreground, so we could not make any photographs. At the moment this is the couple with the largest number of owl chicks I've found, but it's easy to find couples with 4 or 5 youngster.The adults in turn bring food:
And they will continue thinking about it all morning, or at least until it's too hot, then wait for the sunset to resume hunting and nurturing their little ones.
Today I went to observe the nesting of the owls photographed last time, and with great surprise and pleasure I saw two of the three young owls taking the Sun on the stones. It was nice to see them because you know you have not created problems with the blind last time. It's to be said that these owls are used to much more than a camouflage that clicks every now and then, because being the nest located in a pasture land, the sheep often go over the rocks themselves to eat the grass, so It is true that the owls are frightened but are also accustomed to a certain kind of movement and I have seen them always come back. However, this does not allow me to go further and always keep a distance and a security behavior.
In Sardinia the Montiferru area is quite rich in water, as well as being very beautiful in terms of nature and landscape view (please refer to the following link for more information), in fact from the homonymous rio Bia Josso, whose origin should be source Elighes Uttiosos, you can see, and photograph, two very beautiful and interesting waterfalls for the context in which they are located, that is an ancient forest where the human hand isn't still so much present.
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