A day in the nature #04/06/2017

As I anticipated yesterday with the kestrel I had no luck. Pratically the adults brought the food without entering into the nest and this situation made me think of the worst, that the youngs were dead or sown by other birds, how I saw today when I went to check with the binoculars in the morning. When I arrived near the cliff, I began to observe and after a few minutes I saw a jackdaw entering into the nest, and others were around, and my fears seemed to be confirmed, but soon after one of the adult kestrels arrives and send away the jackdaw, then comes also the other adult (the female) with some food, and when she enter into the nest I feel the voices of the youngs, so I am more quiet. As usual between the paws, the adults carry the lynches, a kind of little whip with very small paws, and from what they carry (on an average every 30 minutes, although not always so lucky to the kestrels) I can imagine that the area Be full, but Nature with the action of the birds of prey keeps the equilibrium system as ever.

Obviously I do not even try to make some photos, whether for late hours (they were about 8 am), or for no further disturbance, so I sit on a shadowy rock and enjoy the fresh morning and in the meantime I look The snails that carry the food to their little ones and the activity of this little bird, the cowards, who, careless of my presence, bring little strawberries into a hole in the cliff where she has probably made the nest. A couple of times he leaned on a stone wall near me, allowing me a couple of shots:

instead this is a photo of a jackdaw entering in a nest:

After about one hour it's too hot so I go away and I come back to home. 

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