Wildlife in the blind - buzzard and black redstart
As you know, for me wildlife photography is really rewarding, and everytime I can, I go into my photographic blind to take some picture of the buzzards, jays and other birds. This time I wanted to try better the Sony 200-600G lens, with the teleconverter 1.4x as well. The morning has been quite good, and I took some nice pictures of the buzzard and a male black redstart. I also shoot some short clips to use in my Youtube channel. But let's my images speak. First of all the buzzard:
and then the black redstart:
That little guy was jumping between two perches and made me a bit difficult to follow it. The buzzard was quiete, infact it stayed quite a lot on the perch, and it came a second buzzard as well, even though I didn't know if was the mate. Unfortunately I couldn't take any picture of the couple.
As I said before, when I was photographing them I shoot some clips, and I enjoyed following them in their movements, even though I couldn't move too quickly the lens, otherwise I would have scared the birds.
Thouse pictures and the short video below are the result of some hours of work in the blind, and I couldn't have a better morning.
I hope you enjoy watching the pictures and the video, and please subscribe to my Youtube channel for having all my news about wildlife and landscape photography.
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