In the area of ​​Berchidda, in the province of Sassari, there is a beautiful and imposing waterfall hidden in the woods. Finding it is not difficult, even just follow an easy path to get there. The problem is that the area is a private property, and to enter you have to ask permission from the owner, usually very kind and helpful, so you should have no problems.

To get to the waterfall, take the road Sassari-Olbia 729 (EB40) towards Olbia; arrived at the junction for Berchidda leave the state and go to the country, where you will enter to then follow the provincial road SP138 towards Telti, Calangianus; see the following map:

Got to the point P of the map:

you can park and walk (remember that the area is private property), or go by car to the point Pr of the other map and ask the owner for permission to stay in his property and go to see the waterfall. If he say yes, you can continue until to the point P where you can park (there is only one car place and not so easy, if you have a SUV is better) and then continue on foot.
In the map to follow on foot, that the leads to the points A and B, you will not have problems because the trail is well marked and easy to follow. The arrival point A is easier to achieve if there is a lot of water, but it allows you to be far beyond the base of the waterfall (which was me), while point B allows you to get to the base of the waterfall.

Waterfall coordinates 40.825362N 9.230657E (Google maps)


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